Why choose ABM?

What is ABM?

    The Accountancy, Business, and Management or ABM strand helps and provides students to have knowledge and skills about fields of businesses. This strand stand to help students who plans to enter the accounting and business world. It also help students who are planning to have a business of their own. 

Why I chose ABM?

    When I was in my junior years, many asked me about what strand to take in my senior year, all I can say was "I am not sure" or "I can't decide yet". It is really hard for me to choose what strand to take considering that I don't even know what I want to become or what profession to take in the future. Unfortunately, I ran out of time  and I needed to choose a strand. It is then that I decided to take the ABM strand for the reason that if ever I decide to have my own business I can be able to manage it. I was horrified by what I heard and watched in the internet about how the ABM students went through but I still took ABM.

    They were not lying when they said that being an ABM student is hard. Believe me, it is. But there are no easy ones, all are the same. I must say that I'm not that very good in math but I took risk and chose this strand anyway. I believed in myself that I can do it and told myself that this is what schools are for, for them to teach us new things and enhance our knowledge and skills. Generally, this strand requires more on having analytical skills and knows the basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division because you will be needing it in balancing financial sheets. Being an ABM student taught me to become more responsible and patient when it comes to doing my school works and activities. It motivates me to study hard because our topics are challenging and requires more time and effort. I feel blessed about being able to cope up with the lessons and topics this strand offers. Although being in the middle of this pandemic and adjusting to the new normal education, my teachers are there to guide and help me about it. Fortunately, my grades are high and I managed to become one of the honor student in my class. I made my parents, especially myself, really proud. 

    My advice to those becoming seniors is to choose the strand that will surely help you in the future especially when you are already decided about what you want to become in the future or profession you want to enter. Don't let a single subject stop you from choosing a strand. Math is present in any strand you take. It may seem difficult at first, but believe me, you can get through it. Everything is possible with a mix of hard work and patience. Don't lose hope because it's your future we are talking about. 

Lorraine Joyce D. Madera

Grade 11 ABM - De Ayala
